[GIS Book/PDF] Geographic Information Science: Mastering the Legal Issues (2005)(2nd ed.)(en)(474s)

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Cho (University of Canberra) explores both how the law affects the use of geographic information and how geographic information has shaped the law and policy in several countries. He identifies the factors influencing public use and pricing policies, describes the use of exchange standards to share and commercialize geographic information, and outlines an international framework for the development of access policies. Privacy issues, contract law, the legal standards of liability, and the intellectual property rights that impinge on geographic information systems and services are also addressed.

Book Info

Geographic Information Science: Mastering the Legal Issues (2005)(2nd ed.)(en)(474s)

Author(s): George Cho

Series: Mastering GIS: Technol, Applications & Mgmnt

Publisher: Wiley, Year: 2005

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