[GIS Book/PDF] GIS technology applications in environmental and earth sciences

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This book starts with an overview of GIS technology, what GIS technology is, what it can do, what software products are available, etc. Then, throughout the book, the author explains with many case studies, programs, maps, graphics, and 3D models how GIS and other related technologies can be used to automate mapping processes, collect, process, edit, store, manage, and share datasets, statistically analyze data, model, and visualize large datasets to understand patterns, trends, and relationships to make educated decisions. This book is an excellent resource for anyone who is interested in GIS and related technologies, geology, natural resource, and environmental science.

Book Info

GIS technology applications in environmental and earth sciences

Author(s): Tian, Bai

Publisher: Taylor & Francis,CRC Press, Year: 2017

ISBN: 1498776043,978-1-4987-7604-2,9781498776059,1498776051

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