[GIS Book/PDF] Application of GIS Technologies in Port Facilities and Operations Management

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Application of GIS Technologies in Port Facilities and Operations Management discusses the recent advances in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) technologies for port professionals. This committee report identifies effective GIS techniques for the management of complex port and harbor infrastructure and discusses in-depth the capabilities, requirements, and limitations of available GIS applications. It also provides useful GIS database techniques and software integration tips, an overview and discussion of GIS data types and map projections, and several case studies focusing on facility and operations management

Book Info

Application of GIS Technologies in Port Facilities and Operations Management

Author(s): Neal T. Wright & Jaewan Yoon (Editors)

Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers, Year: 2006

ISBN: 0784408696,978-0-7844-0869-8,978-0-7844-0949-7,978-0-7844-0573-4,978-0-7844-0712-7,978-0-7844-0461-4,978-0-7844-1150-6

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